For Financial Advisory on strategic financial alternatives, boards needĀ an INDEPENDENT expert who has pretty much seen it all.Ā An advisor to independent directors who over 3 decades has gone up against international investment banks, rapacious corporate raiders andĀ well-oiled Wall Street financial and legal firms and their private equity clients.
Book a Discovery CallIndependent Advice for the Independent Directors; Global Advice for the Entire Board.
For three decades, Kane has provided the highest quality financial advisory services across the transaction spectrum -- from mergers & acquisitions, divestitures, public and private of offerings of debt and equity, to financial restructurings.
- Critical hands-on Experience - We do not consign the financial advisory and fairness opinion to a few junior bankers. Useful opinions demand experience, analytical savvy, value-detection skills and creativity.
- Invaluable Collaboration - We provide you with sophisticated commentary on the transaction, its structure and alternatives, in a collaborative manner that avoids ego clashes and focuses on maximizing value.
- Bang for the Buck. It costs no more to bring us into the picture early in the process. The sooner we start, the issues we spot can be resolved with minor mid-course corrections before they become political, legal and business nightmares.
- Transparent Pricing Structure - Because we serve only the independent directors and have no trading, research, brokerage or asset management divisions, our compensation structure for FinancialAdvisory/Opinion engagements is free from even the appearance of conflict. We do not engage in buy-side securities sales, trading, and research, nor do we operate with conflicting business relationships with our client, its counterparties or competitors. In other words, it makes our fairness opinions exactly what they're supposed to be: Fair.
If your transaction ever faces a legal challenge, Kane is your best line of defense. With a rare combination of seniority, experience and superlative credentials, including experience at top tier securities law firms, the Kane team is well versed in defending all types of financial opinions. Because our senior bankers have been involved from the start, we begin with an opinion that addresses the real issues. Without the conflicts that often plague larger firms, we keep the focus on the facts, not on the flaws in the process. And, once in court, we know how to explain the transaction and our analysis in a clear and convincing manner, whether Delaware Chancery Court or federal or other state venues.
Book a Discovery CallPublic and Private Transactions
Business Sales, IPOs, Fairness Opinions, Acquisitions, Restructurings
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